In 1998, my brother, Terry, was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). He was three years old. We knew it was an unstoppable disease and we knew the clock was ticking for Terry.
The emerging science behind precision medicine and gene therapy sparked real hope that Terry might have a chance. However, the existing drug development infrastructure still wasn’t going to cut it for Terry. Unless we built something new.
In just three years, we developed a treatment for Terry’s rare mutation of DMD. Heartbreakingly, we were not able to stop the disease for Terry.
He passed away during the early stages of the clinical trial— an outcome that likely would have been avoided had the treatment been accessible sooner.
Our story does not end here. It can’t. Because there are hundreds of thousands of Terrys waiting for their chance to hit back. His legacy is a future where no family has to hear, “there’s nothing we can do.”
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